Information notices has been upgraded. It now uses 2FA.
It is running Rocky Linux 9 and uses the same modules as the modules available on Betzy.
It also provides access to eessi modules (use module load EESSI/2023.06).
The other NIRD login nodes will be progressively upgraded in a near future.
Due to a problem with the new modules we have reverted to the previous modules. So please ignore the commands below and use module command as usual.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
One rack on Fram is out of service due to a water leakage. This means that the overall capacity of nodes is a bit reduced for the time being.
Until this is resolved the overall node capacity of Fram is reduced by 60 nodes.
Sorry for the inconvenience this may cause.
-Infra Team
Current incidents
New instabilty is happening right now.
Some services are unreachable.
We are working on it.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Dear Saga users;
The major problem of the saga slowness is resolved at the moment, but we are still working with vendor to clarify minor issues. We are sorry for inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.
Scheduled maintenances
There will be a maintenance stop of Saga April 1. to upgrade the /cluster file system. The upgrade should fix a major part of the remaining slowness of the file system, especially metadata operations.
The maintenance will start at 08:00, and we hope to be done before 16:00.
On 14-15 April there will be an upgrade of the Kubernetes software
on the service platform. All the services as well as the NIRD login nodes
will be offline for the duration of the maintenance.